The Swedish Woods of My Childhood


I don’t know that I have ONE  favorite. There are so many that are special, most bringing memories from a long life. 

But, if I should try to choose one, I think it would have to be the Swedish woods of my childhood. These woods were deep and dark, with moss covered boulders where  creatures, real and imagined, could hide and I with them.  In the spring the patches of wild Anemonies and Linnea would be found wherever the sun found it’s way. It was pure magic. I am far removed from that place now, except in my memory.  I hope it is still there. 

 My other place is the Frog pond in my back yard. This is a very quiet, soothing place to come home to after work. The little waterfall bubbles, the frogs sit on the stones in the sun and the bench, surrounded by big Rhododendron, a perfect spot to regroup. I try to leave it alone as much as possible. The bushes get a haircut now and then, I try to keep the invasive weeds at bay, but whatever plant takes over is allowed to do so.  That includes all the mosses in between stones and in the grass. The hillside above has been totally invaded by the wild Dutchman’s Breeches. That carpet in the shade gets wider every year since it is totally left alone. All of this goes to sleep during the winter.

- JF

alexandra hammond